shane r. edt
(共 7 筆)
Advances in Group Processes 17
- 出版日期:2000-05-01
- 作者:Shane R. (EDT),Thye
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 4,590 -
Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Assessment and Intervention
- 出版日期:2007-08-01
- 作者:Amanda D. (EDT),Jimerson,Matthew K. (EDT)/ Vanderheyden,Shane R. (EDT)/ Burns
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 5,000 -
Social Identification in Groups
- 出版日期:2005-08-19
- 作者:Edward J. (EDT),Shane R. (EDT)/ Lawler,Thye
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 5,598 -
Power and Status
- 出版日期:2003-12-01
- 作者:John (EDT),Shane R. (EDT)/ Skvoretz,Thye
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 5,938 -
Biosociology and Neurosociology
- 出版日期:2012-11-26
- 作者:Edward J. (EDT),Kalkhoff,Shane R. (EDT)/ Lawler,Will (EDT)/ Thye
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 6,073 -
Advances in Group Processes: Thirtieth Anniversary Edition
- 出版日期:2013-10-09
- 作者:Edward J. (EDT),Shane R. (EDT)/ Lawler,Thye
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 6,390 -
The Handbook of International School Psychology
- 出版日期:2006-09-14
- 作者:Jimerson,Peter T. (EDT),Shane R. (EDT)/ Oakland,Thomas D. (EDT)/ Farrell
- 出版社:Sage Pubns
$ 8,325